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API Ecosystem

To recap, Vayana GSP maintains multiple servers for development and testing.

Note: These are API servers and not meant to be browsable (except for the ping / gstn health links)

There are two primary API ecosystems Vayana GSP supports, the GSTN ecosystem for Goods and Services Tax, and NIC ecosystem for eWay Bills.

GST Ecosystem#

GSTN maintains a GST Developer Portal where it documents all APIs

Vayana GSP offers a transparent mapping of the GSTN URLs through the Vayana GSP. While all the specifics of APIs may be found in the link above, it would be useful to understand how Vayana GSP maps URLs from its servers onto the GSTN APIs.

Vayana GSP URL GSTN Documentation URL
/gus/taxpayerapi https://<domain-name>/taxpayerapi
/gus/commonapi https://api-domain-name/commonapi
/gus/returns To be prepended to URLs appearing as a response to FILEDET API
/gus/gstn-health/main Gstn Health endpoint via Vayana GSP
/gus/gstn-health/file-download Gstn Health endpoint via Vayana GSP for file downloads
/gus/ping Vayana GSP API Only - To check if GSP is up

E-Way Bill API Ecosystem maintained by NIC#

NIC maintains E-Way bill api documentation at NIC E-Way Bill API Documentation

Some links to old documentation are maintained here.

Once again we map the APIs mentioned in the NIC documentation to Vayana GSP APIs as follows

Vayana GSP URL NIC Documentation URL

URL Parameters#

Name Description Type
ewb_provider Eway bill provider
for example, ew1
enum(ew1, ew2)

NIC hosts the sandbox and production URLs at slightly different endpoints. The /ewaybillapi part of the path which is mentioned in NIC documentation before the API version number is not present in the production URLs. Thus depending upon whether you are calling sandbox or production URLs, the resultant URLs may be different. Using the authentication URL as an example, the URL in NIC docs is

On Vayana GSP this will get mapped as follows

  • Sandbox: /gus/eway/{ewb_provider}/ewaybillapi/v1.03/auth
  • Production: /gus/eway/{ewb_provider}/v1.03/auth

Note specifically:

  • We do not maintain a comprehensive list of APIs since these keep on getting updated regularly by NIC in its published documentation. But we maintain a consistent mapping between our URLs and NIC URLs so that these are completely predictable.
  • The old URL /gus/ewb is deprecated now. Instead of use above URL.

E-invoice API Ecosystem#

ALERT: The mapping scheme is the best we could design at the moment. Given that there will be multiple IRPs, our hope is we will add them by replacing nic with some other code corresponding to each new IRP. We believe this mapping scheme should hold stable. However, there could be a chance that this could change based on more information in the future.

NIC has created the first IRP and maintains invoice registration portal (IRP) api documentation at NIC IRP API Documentation

We map the APIs mentioned in the NIC documentation to Vayana GSP APIs as follows

Vayana GSP URL IRP Documentation URL

URL Parameters#

Name Description Type
irp_provider IRP Provider as per GST registration for e-invoicing enum (ni1, ni2)

Thus, as an example NIC IRP URL path for authentication is

To make a call to the same using Vayana GSP the url path would be /gus/irp/ni1/gstvital/api/auth

Note specifically:

  • The IRP Provider nic is deprecated now. Instead of please use ni1 or ni2.