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Generating a keypair for vayana

This keypair is required for VayanaGSP to authenticate each ASP

The private key will be used by your application. The public key will be used by VayanaGSP to authenticate you and thus needs to be shared with Vayana GSP.

Step 1: Generating Private/Public Key#

The process for generating the key pair is described below, choose one of the process based on the operating system to generate Private/Public Key -

OpenSSL (Unix)
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.txt 2048
openssl rsa -in privatekey.txt -pubout -out publickey.txt
KeyStore Explorer App (Linux/Windows)

GIT Bash (Windows)
* Install GIT Bash for windows -
* Start GIT Bash
* Perform the commands indicated below (capture below shows both standard input and output)
$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -C "VayanaGSP ASP Authentication Keys" -f myprivatekey
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in myprivatekey.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:/Jcov1bZPnrtSEWbav4py2nM/rUwIfdrr3HnbX/pr/0 VayanaGSP ASP
Authentication Keys
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
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$ ssh-keygen -e -m pkcs8 -f myprivatekey > publickey.txt
$ cat publickey.txt
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Step 2: Share credentials with VayanaGSP#

Share publickey.txt with VayanaGSP operations team over email.

Step 3: Request Vayana GSP operations to issue you a clientid or custid#

Once you send the publickey.txt above, Vayana GSP operations will associate that with a custid or client id it will create for you which effectively now allows you to access to Vayana GSP (for both GSTN and Eway Bill operations)

Note: This public key that you give us is strictly for use between the ASP and Vayana GSP. It plays no role in the encryption of authentication request payloads between you and GSTN or NIC (which is a separate public key provided by GSTN or NIC)